Image of Victoria


"Victoria touched us at a cellular level!"

President & CEO
Pages & Co. Inc.

"Powerful & Excellent!"

International Civil
Aviation Organization.


"Victoria is a dynamic speaker and author,
who inspires us to strive to our maximum potential.”

Kathie Murphy
Q92 FM



           “Success is something you attract by the person you become!”
-Victoria Fernandes


  • Success is a State of MindOrdinary to extraordinary!
  • The Power of ChangeIf you change…everything else will change!
  • The Best is Yet to Come!
  • People & Sales  -Changing the way you do business!
  • WOW Customer Service.


  • Marketing & Sales Series
  • Leadership Series
  • Change & Innovation Series

Marketing & Sales Series
Keynote / Workshop
Title: Delivering WOW Customer Service
-Changing the way you do business!


In her 30 years of management experience in the area of Customer Service, Victoria Fernandes knows what it takes to be successful. In a very short time she will teach the most important skills that directly impact sales and the bottom line. These new skills will enable you to captivate and retain profitable clients for the long term, irrelevant of market conditions.


  • Become world class & differentiate youself from the competition.
  • Implement actionable skills and strategies that will increase sales and build lasting relationships with clients.
  • Empower your team through individual ownership.


  • Learn to perform at your highest level no matter the circumstances.
  • Perspective is everthing! Learn the benefits of shifting your perspective.
  • Experience the rewards of the Power of Focus.
  • The Ripple Effect: understand how you influence the bigger picture. 


  • Increase sales through simple changes in the way you do business.
  • Maintain repeat buisnes by retaining loyal customers.
  • Captivate new customers and generate new business.
  • Differentiate yourself from the competition.
  • Understand what it truly means to be world-class.

Leadership Series
Keynote / Workshop
Title: Success is a State of Mind
-Ordinary to Extraordinary!

Victoria Fernandes delivers an empowering message and strategies based on her 30 years of successful management.  Learn to create opportunity by shifting perspectives and identify new possibilities from existing realities.  Adopt key concepts that transform organisations and individuals from mediocre to top performers.  Learn how effective leaders produce significant results in both their professional and personal lives.


  • Implement strategies that will successfully take you from where you are now to where you want to be
  • Learn what it means to be an effective leader
  • Increase confidence and maximise performance


  • Perspective is everything! Learn the benefits of shifting your perspective.
  • Learn how to perform at your highest level no matter the circumstances
  • Reap more powerful results at all levels
  • Identify the paralysing effects of fear


  • Successfully make the transition from ordinary to extraordinary
  • Take action and create forward momentum
  • Transform your professional and personal relationships

Change & Innovation Series
Keynote / Workshop
Title: The Power of Change
-Strategic Planning and Change!


Mergers, downsizing and globalization have transformed the workplace and in these times of high-velocity change many organizations and companies are confronted with high expectations everyday. Even family life is undergoing change and in many cases employees are struggling to keep up. In this workshop employees will learn how to embrace change and manage their emotions during these times of transition.


  • Implement strategic planning that will help participants excel during transition.
  • Increase confidence and well being in the midst of an ever changing and stress filled world.


  • Develop skills and coping mechanisms to thrive during current change.
  • Overcome fear to deal with personal and external change.
  • Successfully make positive change.



  • Better understand, accept and manage change.
  • Manage their emotions while facing their fears of the unknown.
  • Successfully apply what they have learned to enhance the quality of both their professional and personal lives.