“Fernandes uses an unthreatening conversational style in her book. It’s easy to imagine her sitting across the
kitchen table, offering advice and sharing her experience
with a troubled friend. Her story will likely resonate with
many readers.”

-Monique Polak
The Gazette



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The Genuine You: 6 Steps To Living The Life You Were Meant To Live

The purpose of this book is to help you understand that you do have choices, and that you should live a passionate and genuine life. In short you should live the life you were born to live, and be the person you were born to be. One of the greatest things I have learnt in this 'journey of life' is that, it is not what we do for a living that defines who we are, but it is how we choose to live our lives. Knowing what I know today, I would rather live by my values and be true to myself than live by someone else's valuese >>

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Être authentique: 6 étapes pou rvivre la vie que vous désirez

L'une des choses les plus extraordinaires que j'ai découvertes dans ce « voyage de vie » est la suivante : ce n'est pas ce que nous accomplissons pour gagner notre vie qui définit ce que nous sommes, mais c'est plutôt la façon dont nous choisissons de la vivre. Grâce à ce que je sais aujourd'hui, je vivrais plus selon mes valeurs et je serais authentique envers moi-même plutôt que de vivre selon les valeurs des autres »

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